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2309752 - How to Change SLD Database Credentials

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After you change the database (DB) password, you must change the DB credentials accordingly in the System Landscape Directory (SLD) service.


  1. Stop the SLD service, and then back up the SLD database and the SLD install folder (for example, “C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One SLD Service”).
  2. If the SAP Business One Cloud version is higher than 1.1 PL17, go directly to step 4. Add JRE_HOME as the Variable name in Environment Variables, value =C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP JVM\sapjvm7\jre. 

Note 1: If the SAP Business One Cloud version is higher than 1.1 PL06, please use C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP JVM\sapjvm8\jre.

Note 2: If SAP Business One Cloud version 1.1 PL19,PL19 HF1 or HF2 is used, then you must change the DB credentials for Authentication Service schema (B1AS) as well.
In order to change the DB credentials for Authentication Service schema (B1AS) on SAP Business One Cloud version 1.1 PL19,PL19 HF1 or HF2, please log an incident to SAP Business One Support with component SBO-CLD-CC.

1. Add %JRE_HOME%\bin in the Variable value path.

2. Run CMD as an administrator, and then go to C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One SLD Service\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\bin (or C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One SLD Service\tomcat\bin)

    • SQL: Input updateSQLServerAccount.bat –u "dbusername" –p "dbpassword" 

    • SAP HANA: Input updateHANAAccount.bat –u "dbusername" –p "dbpassword" 

After updating successfully, start the SLD service.


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