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Mar 04, 2023 8:02 pm
How does MRP choose the warehouse in MRP Recommendations?
Functionality Description
You have run the MRP Wizard and received a list of order recommendations. The recommendations are created for a specific warehouse.
The warehouse is derived as follows:
For items with the Planning Method 'Buy':
- The warehouse in the MRP Recommendations window is taken from the Item Master Data - Inventory Data tab, or if not defined,
- the warehouse information is taken from Administration → Setup → General → User Defaults → Defaults → Warehouse, or if not defined,
- the warehouse information is taken from Administration → System Initialization → General Settings → Inventory tab → Items → Default Warehouse, or if not defined,
- then the first warehouse within MRP Wizard - step 4 in the selection grid, for which the checkbox Include Demand is considered.
For items with the Planning Method 'Make', i.e. parent items / products in Bill of Materials:
- The warehouse is pulled from the Bill of Materials definition and it cannot be overruled by a default warehouse in the Item Master Data of the parent item.
The warehouse suggested by the MRP can be changed in the MRP Order Recommendation Report.