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2414943 - How to Use SAP Business One Cloud Deployment Services Partner Tools

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This note covers topics on how to use the SAP Business One Cloud Deployment Services Partner Tools.


1.      Resetting Password

When the user has forgotten the password, you can use the Password Reset function to change it without knowing the existing password.  


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon > Password reset tile.
    You can see a list of all the users in your landscape, grouped by Operators and Customers.
    You will only be able to change the user password for your own cloud operator user. You will not be able to change the user password for other cloud operators.
  3. Scroll down to the user whose password you want to change, and choose the Reset button.
  4. In the Reset password window, enter a new password in the textbox. To hide or display the password, select or unselect the Hide Password checkbox.
  5. Click the Reset button.
    The password is immediately reset and is available for use.
    When you supply the new password to the user in e-mail format or otherwise, we recommend that you require the user to change that password.

2.      Starting and Stopping Landscape

This topic covers how to use the Partner Tools to start and stop Service Units in your landscape.


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon. Enter your credentials; you are presented with a cockpit of partner tools. Select the Stop and start Landscape tile.
    On the left-hand side, you can see a list of all service units along with their statuses and purposes.
    You are able to start and stop each individual service unit within your landscape rather than starting and stopping the entire landscape. However, you do not have an option to start or stop a productive service unit.
  3. Choose the testing service unit you want to modify. You will see the Stop Service unit button or Start Service unit button on the lower right.
  4. To stop the service unit, click the Stop Service unit button.
    The status of the service unit will turn to Stopping, and one by one all its components will move from Running to Stopping and to Stopped. Once all components are stopped, the overall status of the service unit will be referred to as Stopped.
  5. To start the service unit, click the Start Service unit button.
    The status of the components in this service unit will move from Stopped to Starting, to Pending, and to Running status.
  6. To return to the previous page, click the Back button. 

3.      Importing and Exporting Schemas

This topic covers how to export a schema and then to import it back into your landscape.


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon. Enter your credentials; you are presented with a cockpit of partner tools. Select the Import and export Schemas tile.
    On the left-hand side, you can see a list of all service units along with their statuses and purposes.
  3. Choose the service unit you want to work with.
  4. To export a schema, click the Export button.
    A list of schemas available for export will appear.
  5. Select the schema you want to copy, rename it, and if needed, select the Compress checkbox.
  6. Click the OK button.
    The export begins. The status of the service unit changes into Exporting and will remain that way until the process is completed. Once the export is completed, the status of the service unit changes back to Running.
    The export is occurring to the software repository in your landscape. To copy it to your local machine, see Managing Export Schemas.
  7. To double-check if the schema is successfully exported or to import a schema, click the Import button.
  8. Select the schema you want to import, and give it a unique name.
    The application cannot overwrite an existing schema.
  9. Click the OK button.
    The import begins. The status of the service unit changes into Importing and will remain that way until the process is completed.
  10. After the service unit is imported, you must register the schema. To register the schema, perform the following steps:
    1. Go to the Cloud Control Center for SAP Business One.
    2. Choose Customer Management Tenants.
    3. Select the tenant and click the Register button on the top.
    4. Specify all necessary information in the Tenant Registration Wizard, and click the Finish button.
  11. Return to the Landscape Management page of the partner tools, and choose the Refresh button.
    The schema is imported and ready for use.

4.      Managing Schema Exports

4.1  Downloading an Exported Schema

This topic covers how to download an exported schema from your landscape to a local machine.


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon. Enter your credentials and you are presented with a cockpit of partner tools. Select the Manage schema exports tile.
    On the left-hand side, you can see a list of all service units along with their statuses and purposes. The center portion of the screen shows you all of your schema exports regardless of service units.
  3. Click the Download button to the right of the schema that you want to download.
    The download begins and you can see the progress in the download bar on the lower left-hand side.
  4. Once the download completes, click the arrow (triangle) in the download bar and select Show in Folder.
    The download has occurred to the Downloads folder for your user profile on the landscape instead of in your local machine. If needed, you can manually copy it to your local machine.

4.2  Uploading an Exported Schema

This topic covers how to upload an exported schema from your local machine to the landscape. This is especially useful if you have a client, for example, an on-premise customer, and you are going to bring them to cloud deployment services. You have exported their schema from your local machine and you now want to import it into your landscape.


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon. Enter your credentials; you are presented with a cockpit of partner tools. Select the Manage schema exports tile.
    On the left-hand side, you can see a list of all service units along with their statuses and purposes. The center portion of the screen shows you all your schema exports regardless of service units.
  3. Choose the service that you want to upload to the landscape and select the Upload button.
  4. In the Upload schema window, choose the Browse… button and find the exported schema you want to upload, select it and click Open.
    The name of the exported schema appears in the Upload schema dialog box.
  5. Click the Upload button and wait for the upload to complete.
    You cannot import a schema with the same name as the one that already exists. If you have already done that, you need to delete it and start over.

Note: Regarding schema format, .zip and .tar.gz are supported. Directories expected in root directory of file are export and import. If the export and import directories are not avaible in root directory, schema import will fail.

4.3  Uploading from Central Repository

This topic covers how to upload from the central repository into your landscape.


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon. Enter your credentials and you are presented with a cockpit of partner tools. Select the Manage schema exports tile.
  3. Choose the Upload from Central Repository button on the right; you will see the option for the schemas that are ready to be brought into the landscape.
  4. Select the schema that you want and click OK.

4.4  Deleting an Exported Schema

This topic covers how to delete an exported schema from your landscape.


  1. Log on to your landscape.
  2. Choose the Common Tools folder > SAP Partner Tools icon. Enter your credentials; you are presented with a cockpit of partner tools. Select the Manage schema exports tile.
    On the left-hand side, you can see a list of all service units along with their statuses and purposes. The center portion of the screen shows you all your schema exports regardless of service units.
  3. Find the exported schema that you want to delete, and click the ⓧ icon to the right of it.
  4. When a prompt appears asking “Are you sure you want to delete export <name of the exported schema>?”, select the Delete button.
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