How to import Stock Counting via DTW (Data Transfer Workbench).
Import Stock Counting with Serial/Batch Numbers into SAP Business One via Data Transfer Workbench and you receive error:
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
"Invalid data entity65171"
Below are the key points for successfully importing Stock Counting with Serial/Batch Numbers into SAP Business One via DTW :
* In the INC1 - InventoryCountingLines.csv, LineNumber field should be filled according to the number of Items in the file. It start from 1 [Ex : 1,2,3, on].
* In the INC3 - InventoryCountingBatchNumbers.csv and INC3 - InventoryCountingSerialNumbers.csv, BaseLineNumber corresponds to the LineNumber in INC1 - InventoryCountingLines.csv.
* In the INC3 - InventoryCountingBatchNumbers.csv and INC3 - InventoryCountingSerialNumbers.csv, LineNum should be an increment starting from 0 for every BaseLineNumber in INC3 - InventoryCountingBatchNumbers.csv and INC3 - InventoryCountingSerialNumbers.csv.
* In SAP 9.1 or above, There are some additional columns [CounterType, CounterID, MultipleCounterRole] which need to be filled in the templates INC1 - InventoryCountingLines.csv, INC2 - InventoryCountingLineUoMs, INC3 - InventoryCountingBatchNumbers.csv and INC3 - InventoryCountingSerialNumbers.csv.