When you are processing a manual journal entry in the Internal Reconciliation window or canceling a manual journal entry, the following error message is displayed:
Reconciliation difference must be zero before reconciling [Message 3821-8]
This error appears even if the sum of the amount to reconcile is 0, meaning that the balance due of the transactions match each other.
In the journal entry table JDT1, the DebCred field indicates whether a line is a credit or debit. If this field is empty or contains an unexpected/illogical value, the internal reconciliation function cannot process the transaction and the error is displayed. In addition, the system cannot process such a line in the exchange rate difference functionality.
To determine whether this issue affects any records of your database, run the following select query:
SELECT "TransId", "Line_ID", "Debit", "Credit", "DebCred" FROM JDT1 WHERE (("Debit" <> 0 AND "DebCred" = 'C') OR ("Credit" <> 0 AND "DebCred" = 'D')) OR "DebCred" = '' AND "Debit" IS NOT NULL AND "Credit" IS NOT NULL ORDER BY "TransId" DESC;
If the query returns results, log a support incident through Support Launchpad for SAP Business One, referring to this SAP Note, and include all the relevant information.