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Oct 19, 2023 8:55 pm
Hệ thống SAP Business One hiện chưa hỗ trợ các bảng lưu lịch sử của OPLN. Tuy nhiện, giá của các mặt hàng được lưu trong bảng ITM1 và chi tiết các lần thay đổi được lưu ở bảng AIT1. Do đó, SAP hỗ trợ câu query giúp truy vấn các thay đổi về giá.
/*This query uses Common Table Expression (CTE) to return only those rows where there is a price change per item per price list.*/ With PriceTrack (ItemCode, Pricelist_No, Pricelist_Name, Currency, Price, UpdateDate, LogInstanc) as ( /* Select each item's price, per log instance, in a specific price list and return those rows where the price is different */ Select distinct T0.itemcode, T1.PriceList, T2.ListName, t1.currency, T1.Price, T0.UpdateDate, T1.loginstanc FROM AITM T0 Inner Join AIT1 T1 on T0.itemcode = T1.Itemcode and t0.loginstanc = t1.loginstanc left outer join AIT1 T3 on T1.itemcode = T3.itemcode and t1.pricelist = T3.pricelist and t1.loginstanc > t3.loginstanc INNER JOIN OPLN T2 on T1.PriceList = T2.ListNum where (t1.price <> t3.price ) /*select price changes where only the currency changes*/ union Select distinct T0.itemcode, T1.PriceList , T2.ListName, t1.currency, T1.Price, T0.UpdateDate, T1.loginstanc FROM AITM T0 Inner Join AIT1 T1 on T0.itemcode = T1.Itemcode and t0.loginstanc = t1.loginstanc left outer join AIT1 T3 on T1.itemcode = T3.itemcode and t1.pricelist = T3.pricelist and t1.loginstanc > t3.loginstanc INNER JOIN OPLN T2 on T1.PriceList = T2.ListNum where (t1.price = t3.price and T1.currency <> T3.currency ) /*Select factors which have not been manually updated.*/ union Select distinct T5.itemcode, T5.PriceList , T2.ListName, t5.currency, T5.Price, '', T5.loginstanc FROM AITM T0 Inner Join AIT1 T1 on T0.itemcode = T1.Itemcode and t0.loginstanc = t1.loginstanc left outer join AIT1 T3 on T1.itemcode = T3.itemcode and t1.pricelist = T3.pricelist and t1.loginstanc > t3.loginstanc Right Outer join OPLN T4 on T1.PriceList <> T4.ListNum Inner join ITM1 T5 on T4.listnum = T5.pricelist INNER JOIN OPLN T2 on T1.PriceList = T2.ListNum where T4.Base_Num <> T4.listNum and T5.price <> 0 /*Exclude all those incidents where the price has not changed. e.g. log isntance 5 shows a change to the price of $20 but there is no subsequent price change until log instance 10. This section removes all the irrelevant rows from the result set */ except Select distinct T0.itemcode,T1.PriceList, T2.ListName, t1.currency, T1.Price, T0.UpdateDate, T1.loginstanc FROM AITM T0 Inner Join AIT1 T1 on T0.itemcode = T1.Itemcode and t0.loginstanc = t1.loginstanc left outer join AIT1 T3 on T1.itemcode = T3.itemcode and t1.pricelist = T3.pricelist and t1.loginstanc > t3.loginstanc INNER JOIN OPLN T2 on T1.PriceList = T2.ListNum where t1.price = t3.price and t1.currency =T3.currency ) /*Select all data from the common table expression*/ select top 10 * from pricetrack ORDER BY "ItemCode", "Pricelist_No", "LogInstanc"
CREATE COLUMN TABLE "Pricetrack" AS ( SELECT DISTINCT T0."ItemCode", T1."PriceList", T2."ListName", t1."Currency", T1."Price", T0."UpdateDate", T1."LogInstanc" FROM AITM T0 INNER JOIN AIT1 T1 ON T0."ItemCode" = T1."ItemCode" AND t0."LogInstanc" = t1."LogInstanc" LEFT OUTER JOIN AIT1 T3 ON T1."ItemCode" = T3."ItemCode" AND t1."PriceList" = T3."PriceList" AND t1."LogInstanc" > t3."LogInstanc" INNER JOIN OPLN T2 ON T1."PriceList" = T2."ListNum" WHERE (t1."Price" <> t3."Price") UNION SELECT DISTINCT T0."ItemCode", T1."PriceList", T2."ListName", t1."Currency", T1."Price", T0."UpdateDate", T1."LogInstanc" FROM AITM T0 INNER JOIN AIT1 T1 ON T0."ItemCode" = T1."ItemCode" AND t0."LogInstanc" = t1."LogInstanc" LEFT OUTER JOIN AIT1 T3 ON T1."ItemCode" = T3."ItemCode" AND t1."PriceList" = T3."PriceList" AND t1."LogInstanc" > t3."LogInstanc" INNER JOIN OPLN T2 ON T1."PriceList" = T2."ListNum" WHERE (t1."Price" = t3."Price" AND T1."Currency" <> T3."Currency") UNION SELECT DISTINCT T5."ItemCode", T5."PriceList", T2."ListName", t5."Currency", T5."Price", '', T5."LogInstanc" FROM AITM T0 INNER JOIN AIT1 T1 ON T0."ItemCode" = T1."ItemCode" AND t0."LogInstanc" = t1."LogInstanc" LEFT OUTER JOIN AIT1 T3 ON T1."ItemCode" = T3."ItemCode" AND t1."PriceList" = T3."PriceList" AND t1."LogInstanc" > t3."LogInstanc" RIGHT OUTER JOIN OPLN T4 ON T1."PriceList" <> T4."ListNum" INNER JOIN ITM1 T5 ON T4."ListNum" = T5."PriceList" INNER JOIN OPLN T2 ON T1."PriceList" = T2."ListNum" WHERE T4.BASE_NUM <> T4."ListNum" AND T5."Price" <> 0 EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT T0."ItemCode", T1."PriceList", T2."ListName", t1."Currency", T1."Price", T0."UpdateDate", T1."LogInstanc" FROM AITM T0 INNER JOIN AIT1 T1 ON T0."ItemCode" = T1."ItemCode" AND t0."LogInstanc" = t1."LogInstanc" LEFT OUTER JOIN AIT1 T3 ON T1."ItemCode" = T3."ItemCode" AND t1."PriceList" = T3."PriceList" AND t1."LogInstanc" > t3."LogInstanc" INNER JOIN OPLN T2 ON T1."PriceList" = T2."ListNum" WHERE t1."Price" = t3."Price" AND t1."Currency" = T3."Currency"); SELECT * FROM "Pricetrack" ORDER BY "ItemCode", "PriceList", "LogInstanc" ; DROP TABLE "Pricetrack";