Currently, the conversion calculation of units of measurement (UoMs) has interim steps that round converted values to 6 decimal places. In some instances, this can cause highly problematic inventory transaction differences that can prevent document closures, etc.
The affected documents and transactions include the following:
- Marketing documents
- Landed Cost
- Blanket Agreement
- Pick List
- Pick Pack and Production Manager
- Inventory Counting
- Inventory Posting
- Inventory Opening Balance
As of SAP Business One 10.0 SP 2411 and SAP Business One 10.0 SP 2411, version for SAP HANA, the interim rounding steps for UOMs conversion are removed from calculation in the following documents and transactions:
- Marketing documents
- Landed Cost
- Blanket Agreement
- Pick List
- Pick Pack and Production Manager
As of SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2502 and SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2502, version for SAP HANA, the interim rounding steps for UOMs conversion are removed from calculation in the following documents and transactions:
- Inventory Counting
- Inventory Posting
- Inventory Opening Balance