You notice that a landed costs document row is highlighted in blue color.
Reproducing the Issue
1. From Inventory → Item Master Data, create a new item and in the Purchasing Data tab set a number of Items per Purchasing Unit.
2. Go to Purchasing - A/P → Goods Receipt PO (GRPO) and set Inventory UoMas visible from the form settings.
3. Enter the same item in both first and second row, however, in the first row change Inventory UoMto 'Yes'.
4. Go to Purchasing - A/P → Landed Costs and use "Copy From" functionality to copy the GRPO added in the step 3 above.
Expected & Actual behavior:
In the landed costs document/window items grid, the first line item is highlighted in blue color.
The landed costs row is highlighted in blue to indicate that the inventory unit of measure has been used in the base GRPO instead of the Items per Purchasing Unit (default).